Spiritual Life Coach
Daily offerings: Rtt hypnosis, promoting healing and wellness. We believe there are many paths to wellness and spiritual growth.

Strategic Intervention Life Coach/Spiritual Counselor
Conscious Spiritual Life Coaching
Dissolve-Dismantle-Disarm old patterns, break cycles, break old belief systems that are no longer supporting, finding the root. Conscious Alignment with your soul. Work to become more aware and live your consciousness.
Inner child work-letter scripting your new reality

RTT Hypnotherapy
RTT Hypnotherapy session
Includes identifying where your pattern all started?
Anxiety, OCD, Weight, Victim consciousness, Relationships, PTSD, addictions….etc.

Energy Clearing
Healing Vortex Clearing Energy
Reiki Session
House Energy Clearing
Learn More

Shadow Integration Work
Shadow Integration Process - 6 month process within a safe and secure group
Learn More

Does the Mind Ever Shut Up?
The integrative Conscious Vibe Center is where you get to open up your own consciousness and heal on deep levels. A place where you can receive coaching, spiritual balance, healing, and RTT hypnotherapy. A place where you will learn to integrate your own mind-body and spirit into everyday life.
Taking responsibility for your actions takes courage. Speaking up for what you want also takes courage, strength, and boldness. For change to happen, it takes the foundation of our life as we have known it to break apart and crumble so that a new life with new consciousness can be built.
At the integrative Conscious vibe center, we teach you how to do this step by step. As we all know, anything worth having is going to take work, devotion, and action-oriented steps. We are going to have to look at those places inside of us, in order to heal those places”. Most of our wounding comes from something deeper that is unconscious. Different processes can aid to help us deepen, heal, forgive and relax into new consciousness. A place where peace runs into our bloodstream as opposed to anxiety and running on “childhood programs” and belief systems. People are walking around suffering inside, and wearing a “mask” of positivity, a dressed-up suit, or a face full of make-up! Nothing is ever enough in society, we continue to chase what is not even meaningful. The reality is “we” have not integrated all of our consciousness and brought to light what needs to be brought to light.
Coaching and RTT Hypnotherapy is a series of thought-provoking conversations, which will help you be able to tap into your own inner purpose and what matters to you. The process will also pull out the emotional roots that have been buried deep down inside and cause patterns to play out. We will support the energy to make the changes that you have been afraid to make!
In an effort to support clients make breakthroughs, The Integrated Conscious Vibe has created a method that is both belief- and behavior-based with the Mind- Body-Spirit in hand. It addresses the skill set as well as the mindset. I believe in providing an oasis for busy humans to pause, to reflect, to tune in to their own energy so that they can manage and bridge themselves into the NEW world.

About Joann
Transformation Life Coaching Professional, RTT hypnotherapy, Spiritual Counselor, Intuitive Energy Practitioner, Teacher of Consciousness /Holistic Therapies
I have been working as a certified Coaching Professional since 2017. I specialize in helping people identify and achieve their personal goals by coping with the issues that are causing them distress, anxiety, and mental and emotional stress. I take great pride in the progress and success of my clients, and look forward to creating a sacred space for you to gain awareness and higher states of consciousness. My intention is to end world suffering as I awaken one person at a time. I welcome you to own your own power as we create a bridge into the new world.
Praise for Joann

Mon - Fri: 9:00 am - 5:00 pm
Sat: 10:00 am - 1:00 pm
Sun: Closed