The Unguarded Heart
Services for you.....What is your Soul Calling you to?
Does the Mind Ever Shut Up?
The Integrative Conscious Vibe Center is where you get to open up your own consciousness and heal on deep levels. A place where you can receive coaching, spiritual balance, healing, and RTT hypnotherapy. A place where you will learn to integrate your own mind-body and spirit into everyday life.
Taking responsibility for your actions takes courage. Speaking up for what you want also takes courage, strength, and boldness. For change to happen, it takes the foundation of our life as we have known it to break apart and crumble so that a new life with new consciousness can be built.
At the integrative Conscious vibe center, we teach you how to do this step by step. As we all know, anything worth having is going to take work, devotion, and action-oriented steps. We are going to have to look at those places inside of us, in order to heal those places”. Most of our wounding comes from something deeper that is unconscious. Different processes can aid to help us deepen, heal, forgive and relax into a new consciousness. A place where peace runs into our bloodstream as opposed to anxiety and running on “childhood programs” and belief systems. People are walking around suffering inside, and wearing a “mask” of positivity, a dressed-up suit, or a face full of make-up! Nothing is ever enough in society, we continue to chase what is not even meaningful. The reality is “we” have not integrated all of our consciousness and brought to light what needs to be brought to light.
Coaching and RTT Hypnotherapy is a series of thought-provoking conversations, which will help you be able to tap into your own inner purpose and what matters to you. The process will also pull out the emotional roots that have been buried deep down inside and cause patterns to play out. We will support the energy to make the changes that you have been afraid to make!
In an effort to support clients make breakthroughs, The Integrative Conscious Vibe has created a method that is both belief- and behavior-based with the Mind-Body-Spirit in hand. It addresses the skill set as well as the mindset. I believe in providing an oasis for busy humans to pause, reflect, to tune in to their own energy so that they can manage and bridge themselves into the NEW world.
Meet Joann
Professional RTT hypnotherapy, Soul Integration Coach, Intuitive Teacher of Consciousness with Holistic Therapies
My story in 30 years of Healthcare for our sick elderly plunged me into my awakening back in 2011. Year after year thinking I was sick, and taking on so much of other peoples energy until I learned how to self love and WAKE up out of my own sleep! I realized I needed to face myself instead of running from my own inner trauma, inner childhood wounding, and my own shadows that I pushed away instead of bringing them closer and loving all parts of myself. I quietly suffered, while everyone else around me thought I was okay and happy. I took so many long roads, and was in therapy for years only to play the same old story every week. Until - I HAD ENOUGH! I suffered enough and had enough of self betrayal and giving my power way to therapist/teachers and my indulgent mental and emotional ways. By the way- most of the therapists were not willing to give 1 minute over the time- they would have their buzzer waiting...sound familiar? Guess what - THATS NOT LOVE. We can get into that another time... Me, here now is to be a resource for you in this real life! I am an Integrated Conscious Soul walking the planet! Like a cosmic fire waiting to lite you up and train and teach you and everyone real life skills!
My intention is to end world suffering as I awaken one person at a time. I welcome you to own your own power as we create a bridge into the new world. Sending you the most highest unconditional love cause you are so worth it!!!
I will wake you up in ways you never thought possible!
Praise for Joann
Having a Universal Ray healing with Joann is an extraordinary experience. The only thing better is having more sessions. The work was intense and left me feeling lighter and lifted. I highly recommend taking the time to explore this type of healing with her.
-Laura Casper, New York
Joann is a woman to be reckoned with. Her strong sense of community and ability to awaken you to parts of yourself that were asleep for so long is in your face. She will help you break agreements, dissolve old programs and get to the depth of your feelings and inspire a strong sense of desire to bring you to the next level. She will make you jump into that next phase and ride the gravitational force. She is a beautiful force of nature!! If you work with Joann, your life will absolutely shift you into the life you have always wanted, like it did for me!
-Pheonix, Austin, Texas
I am grateful for Joann, for her patience, allowing me to step up and grow in my life. Her compassionate heart and powerful will is amazing! She will encourage you to jump even with fear at the forefront! I say “do it” and stop waiting, because time will run out!
-Paul, New Jersey
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The Unguarded Heart
A three-month coaching program designed to cleanse your heart and help you live your most fulfilling life. With guided powerful techniques such as breath work, journaling, manifestation and energy healing; you'll take back the reigns on your emotions and live the life you deserve.
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