Take some tips from a Quantum jumper!
Today we are going to dive into Manifesting what you want.
I mean real talk. Not some spiritual woo-woo like going into the forest to scream at the tree gods. I am speaking about getting tangible results and the gift of allowing it. What would it be like to own your mind and creations? The mind that never has a turn-off switch and takes us forever to quiet down? You see, we all have the power to create whatever we want. We all have the power to shift our mind, body, and spirit at any given time. It’s an emotional energetic game. If your thoughts are pushing, forcing, and exhausting, how will you manifest your heart's desire?
You won't! It never worked for me. We have to find the balance of the masculine and feminine energies within and heal our hearts!
Everyone out there makes it sound easy. It’s easy and not so easy. I will tell you why in a minute.
First, let’s jump into why you may not be manifesting so easily;
1. You have a block energetically that you are not aware of.
2. You have an aspect (a part of you) that “feels” skeptical and not feels worthy of your desire.
3. You are not taking aligned actions where your intuition (gut) feeling is taking you. Your mind tells you that you know better.
4. You are not moving your physical body enough or have put on significant weight
5. You are not consistent with daily actions
6. You are allowing past experiences to run your current experience.
7. You have lost the daily envisioning of what you want to manifest.
8. You don’t believe you will get what you want.
9. You lack confidence/belief in yourself.
Manifesting is easy. It’s easy if you know what you're doing and you have a vision-a focal point. Most of us think we know what we want, and then we lose focus and get distracted. We need more support on getting clear on what we want.
Masculine and Feminine balancing is an inside job and It’s important to become aware of where your energies are. Let's break it down in a way that speaks to everyone, regardless of their spiritual beliefs.
The Masculine example: It’s like being the president and constantly taking action, leading the country, signing policies being commander and chief all the time, and staying in your masculine action-oriented self. The masculine is shining the light in leadership, taking action with a project, cleaning, writing, and teaching (okay you get the drift). It’s all about action, doing, speaking, and movement.
The Feminine energy example: Picture a person who is always going with the flow. Who dresses very femininely, takes bathes (not shower) every day, meditates and anytime there is time in their day goes to read or sit by their lake? The person spends time “being” (sitting still). If there is a, need she hands it over to the higher power. If she requires something, she/he goes to meditate and allows the universe to bring it into her with no effort. The feminine allows her feelings to come up and is not afraid to look within. She allows the flow to happen through feelings and sensations. She waits for the pulsing within. There is no hard work around it. There is simple flow and allowing.
By embracing our inner masculine and feminine, we reclaim our power, authenticity, and our inherent worthiness. We step into total harmony and balance.
The balancing of the masculine and feminine energies is important if we want to balance and be powerful. It is the sacred art of exploring the aspects of ourselves that we have pushed into the darkness and are always fighting with the Law of Nature that sometimes just wants us in the flow of life to manifest with simply being.
It requires us to turn inward and confront the aspects of ourselves that we may have been avoiding. Maybe we have been pushing too much. Maybe you have been grinding and fighting with life because things are not moving as fast as we want. It may require more time alone, daily journaling, meditation, looking at our patterns we have had in our lives, and more. This can be uncomfortable, even painful, but it is essential for healing and growth.
As you embark on this spiritual journey, know that you are supported every step of the way. You deserve all your heart desires to manifest whether it be love, more money, new car, or to be the best-seller author of your book. You have the power within you to do it.
P.S. Your going to want to take notes ....
1. Balance the Masculine and Feminine and have a quantum jump!
Understanding your reasons for wanting to do INNER WORK BALANCE or dismantle patterns that are no longer working for you is crucial for maintaining long-term motivation to manifest. Whether your goal is to improve spiritual health, quantum leap, or address your inner critic- keep you focused and committed, even when faced with challenges along the way. First thing, notice where you are out of balance.
2. Make a list of where you rate the highest in Masculine Energy, and Feminine energy
Starting your day with a meditation session can set a positive tone, ensuring you prioritize self-care before other commitments arise. In the morning, we are more in a flow state, then rush into our masculine and stay there the rest of the day. Start to become conscious of where you are daily. Write in your journal/notebook 10 minutes a day. It can be what your feeling, how your day is going, the fight that you had with your best friend, that workers you have just had enough of, etc. Whatever is bubbling up.
3. Re-envision/Re-create your Vision Board
Remember your why and your goals. Be clear. Schedule it in your calendar like you schedule everything else. Create another vision board and be directional on the feeling you want when you have that vision. That is how you quantum leap to get what you want. The feeling will take you there. Example: you want a BMW Q5 and you drive a Honda CV now, as you drive feel yourself in that new Q5. Don’t worry where the money is going to come from. Let god and the universe decide. The problem becomes when we start to control the outside to get what we want! Allow yourself to dream, to create, to feel. Have fun with the feelings that come up and bring you closer to that dream car.
4. Invest in a Spiritual Community
Investing in yourself is like eating and drinking clean water. Sometimes along with the spiritual journey of shadow work, meditation, dance, or creating your own business, we need people whom we can resonate with and uplift us! People who pump us up and push us to be better. It’s about choosing our communities and new soul tribes wisely who are aligned for you. It's a local spiritual community, not just an online community, but face to face conscious connections.
Don't underestimate the power of a spiritual coach to boost your confidence and motivation. Treat yourself or get yourself into a community where there are like-minded souls.
5. Daily vision of your end result
Whether it is visiting actual places where there is high vibrational energy or being around people like this, your soul will thank you. Your mind will start to imprint itself with new ideas and thoughts, and creations. This will cause you to feel higher vibrational feelings.
Maybe create a playlist filled with upbeat songs that energize and motivate you during drives, duringcleaning, or even working out.
6. High Alpha States/Self Talk
Start to become present with the way you speak to yourself. I call it “the inner critic”. Do your best to catch yourself when you are not being so nice. Start to re-mother yourself in the moment. Tell yourself positive affirmations, and that it’s okay to feel frustrated, or sad. Even if your mother triggers you or does not know how to affirm and praise you. Allow yourself to express and feel. The more expansive time you provide yourself, the more expansion will happen.
7. Accountability
Finding someone or something to hold you accountable can significantly increase your motivation to stick to your SOUL-aligned path. Whether it's a spiritual partner, a soul integration coach, a shadow work program, a meditation group, or a workbook, having external support and accountability can help you stay on track and committed to your goals.
Celebrate your progress along the way and adjust your goals as needed to keep challenging yourself.
8. Becoming that version of you
Who do you have to become to have what you want? Think about how the new version of you will act, will dress, will spend money, and will live. Picture that new version of you. Embody the manifestations. She/he will also behave in different belief systems. You need to align the root chakra, the heart and the mind.
9. Find a spiritual buddy/friend
Remember to celebrate when you find a new tool. A new way to do things. A new short-cut. Help others if you can to feed your own soul.
10. Visualize your manifestation
Keep seeing your heart's desire. Keep seeing the end result.
11. Track your progress
When things start to manifest date the time and when it happened in your journal. This will help affirm your power presence. You will gain confidence as well.
12. Quantum Leaping
You will start to find yourself on another timeline (road). You will start to move through energy quickly as your frequency rises. There is a feeling you will have, different sensations in the body, higher frequencies will come in. You will start to almost feel floaty at time
13. Discipline, Devotion /Commitment
Focus on building healthy spiritual habits and making spiritual work a non-negotiable part of your daily life. Be devoted to journaling. Be rooted in your visualizing. Be rooted in balancing your masculine and feminine energies. Be devoted to your meditation practice daily, stay committed to self-reflection, and take responsibility for yourself.
Over time, discipline will become second nature, and you'll reap the rewards of your dedication to your higher power.
14. Have fun and Celebrate
Practice self-compassion and kindness throughout your journey. Remember that progress takes time, and setbacks are a natural part of the process. Be patient with yourself and avoid self-criticism when things don't go as planned. Have grace and make a list of the transformations that have happened.
15. Don’t give up
Consistency is key to seeing results. It’s important to stay energetically aligned and conscious. Even if you have messy moments, which I call “growing” moments. These moments can be helpful. Remember you can pause and reflect anytime.
Focus on the process rather than the outcome, and trust that your efforts will pay off in the end.
16. Create a strong vision AS NEEDED and as much as its needed.
Visualization is a powerful tool that can help you overcome obstacles and stay motivated during challenging times. You can grab some magazines and cut out photos that you love, photos that resonate with your goals and post them to a board. Close your eyes and imagine yourself with the new spiritual aspects of self, a new version of you, new life, new soul love, and new soul tribe friends. Maybe even a more soul aligned job of service.
Use visualization techniques regularly to reinforce positive thinking and keep your motivation levels high. By visualizing success, you'll create a roadmap for achieving your goals and stay inspired to take action.
Let's work together to make your Quantum leap a reality. There has never been a better time to do the inner spiritual work!
Are you ready to commit to your Soul’s journey?
Whether you're seeking personalized guidance, accountability, or just some extra motivation, I'm here to help you reach your goals. Let's work together to create a customized Soul Integration workout plan tailored to your needs and preferences.
Get in touch today with me and take the first step towards a healthier, stronger you. Your future self will thank you for it!
Or email Joann- joann@theintegrativeconsciousvibe.com
Hustle and Grace in the Same Space,
Joann Malanga,
Soul Integration Coach, Master Activator, Energy Clearing and Support
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