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The Unguarded Heart- A U-turn back

3 month coaching program- To unguard your heart, cleanse and clear old residue!

Started Jun 4, 2024
2,987 US dollars

Available spots

Service Description

How do you know if this workshop is for you? YOU HAVE HAD ENOUGH WITH PEOPLE AND DATING TO FIND YOUR SOUL MATE! -You keep attracting the same relationships and have given up! -Nothing is ever going your way it seems. Just when your there, you feel the rug is being pulled from under you. Its like your soul is crying out for more. -Stay in reaction mode and outbursts and then get mad at yourself for feeling? -You shut down when confronted or have space to communicate in relationships. -You bury yourself in work or some other form of “addiction” thinking that is self-love? -No matter how much therapy or spiritual work you have done, it’s the same pattern over and over. You can’t quite get to the root. -Have had enough and want to shift the energy in your relationships and attract soul love or re-align your relationships in your life? - Keep telling yourself you don’t have time or don’t have the money (EGO based lower-mind thoughts)) -You want to attract a Soul Tribe with like- minded souls but have no idea how to do this. -Pondering over relationship over 5-10 years ago or more…. contemplating “what if….” -Keep noticing your feelings of bitterness, anger and old disgust with yourself and long held energy from long ago? -Hard with yourself and have this part of you that is “hateful” -Think there is nothing you need to do, and let the Universe do it like magic?

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

To cancel or reschedule, please contact me 48 hours prior to your appointment. If you book and pay and need to cancel, you must book another service at that time. If you choose not to, there will be a 50.00 charge.

Contact Details


LOCATED AT VIRTUAL, FACE TO FACE OR LOCAL Hamilton Square, Hamilton Township, NJ, USA

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